今年過年  終於回上海了
well... 在台灣人家叫我上海人
anyway!!  very glad to c my parents and sister and sister in law.
And guess that DD really drive me nuts in TW.
I didn't want to spend one second with DD in Shanghai.
So I didn't do anything here.
Just sit in front of computer playing boring games.
and start gain weight these days.
現在可以說是... 沒合身的褲子可以穿.
well.. 誰叫我相信God will love me no matter who I am..., how do I shape!
Outlook isn't important to me anymore.
Except DD has a class or parents Symposium, it seems that I have no mood to go anywhere or to do anything
But to tell you the truth, I don't want to meet any old friend.... 
I miss them, but I just don't want to meet them....
People around me always say that I am living for my son.
I don't think so.  I live on earth because God create me, right?
I have no goal, except pushing Joshua to get into the normal class with normal kids.
I don't know how long it does take, and actually, I think I will stop worry these once back to TW.
Because I will take DD to different classes and therapies from morning to night. non-stop rest!
Miss you Shanghai...

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