To my dear friends who might be able to give me some advise...
Sorry that I don't have time to say hello how are you to you.... ... becuase I am quite worry about my son...  and I need some help, and I think that you might be able to help me...
I  have left Canada quite few years.  My son in Shanghai now is diagnosed to have autism
but I don't believe it......  because there are many sympons same as autism like sensory disorder, language develepment slow....
Now I am considering  Bringing my son back to either back to Taiwan or Canada.
So I might need your help helping to decide either TW or Canada.
In TW, now I have some clues,
I need to see an specialist in the hospital, and the doctor will give my son an examination, maybe a brain scanning,and the doctor will give a diagnosis result,and maybe give a 3 month treatment, the treatment class maybe include ABA class, sensory class (that is the class the autism children normaly take)
(just got the information, the 3 month treatment might need to wait since too many people lining up, so if possible, pls ask in Canada whether I should wait or not... )
And I know the medical cover some expense... but for the education, it is still not as good as in Canada I believe...
Is that the same process in Canada?  If possible, can you help me asking how long the diagnosed result it takes
 I remeber in Canada, I have to see the family doctor first, and family doctor take a referal and maybe it takes 2-3 weeks...  and if I want to have some medical test, It takes time for booking an appointment........... I just wondering is that the same for Joshua taking the exam...  that he need to wait for a 2-3 weeks of referal, and 2-3 weeks booking of an appointment for brain scanning..... The reason I am asking is I am afraid of "waiting"
Now I need some more clue about the medical process about diagnosed either autism or sensory disorder or whatelver.........  and also the treatment... will medical system covered.  How about the education? 
What do you think DD's treatment & Education in TW or in Canada?
Thanks for your help.

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